What is ZigBee?
ZigBee is a low-power, low-data rate wireless communication technology based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which is mainly used for short-distance communication and connections between low-power devices. It is commonly used in the Internet of Things (IoT), smart home, industrial automation and other fields, suitable for application scenarios requiring low power consumption, low cost and small data volume transmission.
Key features of ZigBee:
Low power consumption: ZigBee devices typically run on battery power and can operate for long periods of time (months or even years), making them suitable for applications that require low power consumption.
Low data rate: ZigBee's low data transfer rate (typically 20-250 kbps) makes it suitable for applications that transmit small amounts of data, such as sensor data or control signals.
Short distance communication: ZigBee's communication range is typically between 10-100 meters (depending on the environment and power), making it suitable for short-range communication.
AD hoc networking capability: ZigBee supports Mesh networks, where devices can automatically Network and communicate with each other, and each node in the network acts as a repeater to extend network coverage.
Low cost: ZigBee's hardware and protocol stack design is simple and low cost, making it suitable for large-scale deployment.
High reliability: ZigBee uses frequency-hopping technology and mesh networks to effectively avoid interference and improve communication reliability.
Security: ZigBee supports AES-128 encryption, which provides high communication security.